I was digging through my book collection to find an engaging, relaxing holiday recommendation. I was thinking of a curl up by the fire type read that you can’t put down. However, when I came across The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman, I knew I had to share this one. It is one of my favorite books. Full of shorter daily reads, it is not a long read by the fire. It is better suited on the nightstand to read before you start or end your day. I love to gift books, and The Daily Stoic makes a fantastic gift for anyone 14 and up. I can think of a couple people I could give this book to this holiday season.
This bestseller contains 366 days of meditations and wisdom from Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus, and more. Each day of the year, you get insight you can relate to current life. Anger, success, joy, and finding the meaning of life are all explored in ways that make you reflect and think about life on a larger, much more meaningful scale.
I had this book for a few years and love to reread it. I find a different perspective every time, depending on what is happening in my life. I like that the reads are short, but I usually spend a few more minutes thinking through the meaning and its application. It amazes me how there is something every day I can use. The Daily Stoic is part of my toolbox that keeps me centered in life. It inspires resilience, living life to its fullest while bringing peace and calm to the chaos. For even more inspiration, get connected with Ryan Holiday on social media. His posts are engaging and insightful. Enjoy!